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Chelation therapy

Narrowed blood vessels? Chelation therapy has proven to be an effective, painless and safe infusion therapy for symptoms of arteriosclerosis. Curative and preventive.

The Dr. Keulen Kliniek applies the chelation therapy has increased since 1984 and thus achieved good results. The success rate, even in severe cases of vasoconstriction, over 90%. According to research among its clients. Their quality of life was significantly improved by chelation therapy.

For whom?
Chelation Therapy works at:

  • During symptoms (claudication)
  • heart disease (angina pectoris)
  • cerebral circulation disorders (transient ischemic attack, stroke)

Well preventive
Chelation is also preventive. For example at an increased risk of arteriosclerosis (atherosclerosis) by smoking, heredity, diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

Chelation therapy is not suitable for:

  • poor renal function (less than 25%);
  • severe heart failure (heart failure);
  • heart valve disorders.

How does it work?
In short, chelation removes calcium deposits from clogged and narrowed arteries.

Natural process
Chelation is the imitation of a natural process. The word chelation is derived from the Greek chela (= claw). You can chelating agent (EDTA) as a substance that encapsulates something and then go somewhere else carries. One need only think of dirty laundry detergents to loosen and remove. Started in 1948 as chelation healing method to remove lead from the body (lead poisoning). Soon it was discovered that chelation was capable of much more: even calcification in arteries disappear through. After many experiments, the technique was refined. Since then much used as chelation therapy for cardiovascular disease. Only in America, later in the Netherlands.

How does it work in practice?
EDTA solution with a drip is inserted. This solution adheres to the limestone particles and encapsulates it into. Lime deposits are removed from the arteries, muscles and joints. This comes in the bloodstream and is discharged through the kidneys. Because the body is always a certain amount of lime needed, the parathyroid glands into action. Which causes calcium levels in the body is brought back on track.

How safe is the treatment?
This therapy is 100% secure. It has been shown that the human body is capable of 50 mg of calcium per minute to complete. That is much more than from the body with chelation therapy is removed. There is also a positive side effect. By chelation therapy have softened bones tend to be hard again, while the stiff arteries are very flexible for it.

Favorable effect
Chelation is used mainly in atherosclerosis and lead poisoning. But now we know from research that chelation also to numerous other ailments a positive effect. This is because of its profound effects throughout the vascular system.

Your treatment
Chelation therapy is used in day treatment, at the Dr. Keulen Kliniek Schimmert and Tilburg. The therapy is under the control of our medical staff. The cure is safe, painless and very easy to follow.

A chelatiekuur consists of a series of about 20 treatments. You get once a week infused with an infusion time of 3 hours. While you sit in a chair leaning back, while the liquid from the infusion through a thin tube runs in your veins. During the treatment you can just read, sleep or talk to fellow patients. You can also eat, drink or go to the toilet in between. After the treatment you can immediately start driving or working.

Besides the necessary therapy, follow a diet enriched with vitamins, minerals and trace elements. This can be a useful addition to the chelation. Our nutritionist, the diet for you.

Noticeable effect
Our clients who underwent chelation therapy, reported positive effects [link to clients]. How long the results of the chelation remain noticeably depends on your lifestyle. In general we can say that until three months after treatment a progressive improvement.

Side effects
Most clients say no negative side effect to experience. In rare cases become irritated by the needle puncture the vein. The contraction of the vein, nausea or dizziness may (very rarely) occur during or immediately after treatment. We take simple measures to remedy these side effects.

The Dr. Keulen Kliniek sent questionnaires to 150 randomly clients, a minimum of 20 chelation treatments behind them. 95% of the clients sent the completed questionnaire back. Below is a selection of their comments:

Mr. B. to T. "My condition was very bad. I could barely walk. Cycling and climbing stairs was impossible. The advice was to do a heart operation, but this was not medically justified. As a last resort I started chelation therapy. Now I feel wonderful again. I can walk, climb stairs, cycle and spit them back to my yard. I have experienced no side effects. "

Mr. S. to T. "Due to narrowed arteries in my legs it was impossible for me to walk 100 meters without rest. My attending cardiologist pointed out the possibility of chelation therapy, prior to surgery to proceed. Now I can walk 5 km without a break, my overall fitness has improved greatly and I do not undergo an operation! "

Mr. K. to B. "My physical condition was very bad. With exercise, walking, cycling, climbing stairs, etc. I had pain in the jaw, wrists and arms, and especially in the chest. I was stone cold feet for years and last year forced a feeling in my head. In consultation with my doctor, I started with chelation therapy. Now the forced feeling in my head disappeared. The pain in my chest occurs only rarely and I have no pain in the jaw, wrists and arms. A very special sensation my feet warm. I am very pleased with the results. "

Mr. G. to G. "Even after a vascular operation in my legs I could not walk further than 50 meters. I would have pain in the legs and was very dizzy from blood vessel narrowing in the carotid arteries. Because she did not dare to operate, after I consult with my doctor, who was fully behind the chelation therapy, this treatment started. After 20 infusions I was able to walk very well, about 4 km and a very good bike. I have no pain in my legs and am no longer dizzy.

Mr. H. to M. "I was very badly run, after 50 meters, I was forced to remain standing until the pain was over. I also had severe tinnitus left and right. On the advice of my cardiologist, I started with chelation therapy. Now I am back for long walks of about 7 km. and more and the tinnitus is much diminished. "

Mr. F. to T. "My situation was worrying. I could barely walk 100 meters. Stairs did not. In order to avoid amputation of legs I started chelation therapy. Already after 5-7 treatments, I felt that walking was better and less painful. Now, more than one year after the last infusion, I can still walk miles without pain and effortlessly climb stairs. My calf cramps are gone. "

Mr. B. to T. "I often had angina attacks (chest pain from lack of oxygen in the coronary arteries). Good results since I heard about chelation therapy, I also started. After the twenty-first treatment, I no longer had angina attack. I am again completely refurbished. I have no fear of a heart attack. "